Random CE Audits:
“The board may conduct random audits to ensure compliance with continuing education and maintenance of certification and registration requirements.” NDAC 114-02-02(4)


All CE must be RCEEM eligible and acceptable as registry appropriate contact hours. (If not accepted by your national registry it will not be accepted by the NDMIRTB.)

You will not send in CE documentation unless audited by the Board, retain CE information for your own records. You should retain ALL records for at least three (3) renewal cycles. Three (3) renewal cycles is equal to six (6) years. –this does not apply to general diagnostic operators (GDO) or grandfathered licensees; those licensees must submit records upon each renewal as their requirements are unique to their individual practice. NDCC 43-62-14(7) and NDAC 114-02-01-10, 114-02-02-03

Page Updated: 8/20/2021 9:47:39 AM