This information is intented for non-imaging individuals (i.e.: nursing, allied health, or research professionals, etc.) wishing to perform Bone Densitometry Imaging.

If you currently hold a ND License as a radiographer or other appropiate user of ionizating radiation, which is of the (6) six Primary Modalities there is NO additional fee for you. The office only tracks this information. However, beginning in January 2020, you do need to obtain 5 hours of CE during your ND licensure cycle pertinent to Bone Densitometry.

You are not able to perform Bone Densitometry imaging on humans without a ND License.


Process for NEW non-imaging Applicants to become a licensed ND Bone Densitometry Equipment Operator

Brief Overview:

During the 2019 ND Legislative Session, bone densitometry technologists were moved from the ND Dept. of Health to this Board, the ND Board of Medical Imaging. You are no longer regulated by the ND Dept. of Health. Please contact the Board office immediately if you were currently practicing as a bone densitometry technologist before 12/31/2018 and have not yet been licensed by the ND Board of Medical Imaging. The Board office will assist you in getting licensed. It is illegal to practice as a bone densitometry technologist in ND without a current license. 

There are two (2) registry options available for Licensure: (the Board does NOT advocate one registry over the other)

  • Applicant reviews and chooses which registry option 1) State-contracted exam with ARRTor 2) Registry exam from the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) they will chose.
  • For both registry options, NDAC 114-02-01-03 must first meet eligibility requirements of required Allied Health profession or petition the Board for approval.
  • NDAC 114-02-01-03 (2)(3):

To be eligible for licensure as a bone densitometry technologist after completing the requirements in subsection 1, the applicant shall hold at least one of the following licenses:

  1. Medical technologist, medical laboratory technician, or clinical laboratory technician;
  2. Occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant;
  3. Physical therapist or physical therapy assistant;
  4. Physician assistant or orthopedic physician assistant; or
  5. Registered nurse or licensed practical nurse.

Otherwise, an individual may petition the board for licensure if the individual's education or research background is substantially similar to subdivisions a through e of subsection 2.

Petitions should include explanation and supporting documents from the applicant about their degree in an allied health field, if they have passed a national certification exam, and if they hold a license in any state in that field. Petitions for another allied health field should be similar to those mentioned above: education (a 2 or 4-year degree or the equivalent ), national or state exam, and typically state licensure. The explanation should also include where and how the applicant intends to complete the clinical requirements.
  • Complete an Bone Densitometry Conditional License Application, complete Board approved structured academic program and submit the fees for ND Bone Densitometry Licensure.
  • Complete the required Criminal History Record background Check CHRC) forms.
  • NDAC 114-02-01-03(2)(3) requires satisfactory completion of a board approved, structured academic program and demonstration of practical clinical competency documentation. More information can be found in the ND BD Information Packet.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to make arrangements to complete their clinicals. You may need to go to other facilities (hospitals, clinics, etc.) to complete your clinicals if they cannot be all completed at your current facility. You have 9 months to complete the clinical requirements.
  • If choosing contracted ARRT state registry exam option, NDMIRTB forwards application to the ARRT.
  • ARRT contacts the applicant with a 90-day window to take the exam.
  • ARRT exam results are sent to NDMIRTB and NDMIRTB contacts applicant of pass/fail.
  • If choosing ISCD registry option, all communication is directly between you and the ISCD. NDMIRTB does not have an affiliation/contract with ISCD.

Renewal and Continuing Education

All licensees renew biennially (every 2 years), with a $75 renewal fee. After next year's renewal, the license will be good for 2 years. Non-imaging Bone Densitometry professional’s MUST submit all RCEEM approved continuing education upon each biennial (2 year) renewal cycle to the NDMIRTB. Must comply with continuing education requirements for renewal every 2 years.

Continuing Education Requirements (per NDAC 114-02-01-03): Biennially shall complete twelve (12) hours of continuing education.

NDMIRT Board approved structured academic programs:

Note: The Board does NOT advocate one program over another and does NOT have any affiliations with any programs.

All program questions and pending dates of upcoming programs should be directed to the specific program.

Proof of completion MUST come directly from the program coordinator.

1) Continuing Education Providers
Address: PO Box 332 Powell, OH 43065
Phone Number: 614-342-0624
Contact: Stacey Melick, RT (R), Education Director
Website: click on Learn More: ND Bone Densitomtry Technologist

Non-imaging individual's pathway to Bone Densitometry (BD) Licensure
Please choose Option 1 or Option 2:

Option 1: State-contracted exam with ARRT

The North Dakota Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board (NDMIRTB) has a contract with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) to administer the ARRT Examination to individuals who meet the minimum standards detailed on the ARRT for State licensing. Check out the ARRT Website for details of eligibility and ARRT video instructions

Applicants for a North Dakota State Licensing Examination MUST comply with the standards detailed by NDMIRTB to obtain a Conditional ND Bone Densitometry License and complete the appropriate forms, complete Board approved structured academic program, CHRC, along with the appropriate fee to apply for eligibility to take the ND State Licensing Examination administered by the ARRT.


Payable directly to ARRT online for the ARRT Bone Densitometry Equipment Operator (BDEO) examination (instructions supplied after eligiblity).

*If you intend to apply for the ARRT certification please contact the ARRT directly. Completing the NDMIRTB State Licensing Examination limits the applicant to practice within North Dakota and does not qualify the applicant to hold the ARRT national certification. The NDMIRTB State Licensing Examination may not transfer to other states.

Option 2: Registry exam from the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD)

If choosing to take the registry with the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) as a Certified Bone Densitometry Technologist (CBDT), the applicant must contact that registry directly for registry exam requirements. and

You MUST meet ND eligibility requirements:complete Board approved structured academic program, CHRC, fees, and complete a Conditional ND Bone Densitometry License. This will allow you to practice bone densitometry to meet registry experience requirements.


All fees and arrangements contact ISCD directly. NDMIRTB does not have an affiliation/contract with ISCD.

You MUST comply with continuing education requirements for renewal every 2 years.

If you currently have the ISCD registry in good standing

  1. Complete the application,
  2. Submit the fees, and
  3. Complete the required Criminal History Record background Check (CHRC) forms.
  4. If currently certified and in good standing by the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) as a Certified Bone Densitometry Technologist (CBDT),  you must include a copy of your current ISCD certification card.

Clinical Competency Requirements

Competence in clinical practice for the Bone Densitometry Equipment Operator encompasses attributes of knowledge, problem solving, technical skills, comprehension, attitudes, and ethics. Conditional BDEO must demonstrate that their experience and education have resulted in a sufficient understanding of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to provide safe and competent evidence-based densitometry services.

Upon satisfactory completion of the structured academic program and receiving the conditional license, the applicant should begin their practical Clinical Competency requirements in a timely manner. Applicant must have arrangements in place to perform the clinical competency requirements ahead of time and inform the Board of what/where the facility will be utilized. You must have a conditional LXMO license first to begin your clinical competency requirements. 

Clinical Competency requirements MUST be completed within nine (9) months. If there is valid evidence of a hardship completing the clinical requirements within 9 months the Conditional BDEO must contact the board office immediately with written explanations.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to make arrangements to complete their clinicals. You may need to go to other facilities (hospitals, clinics, etc.) to complete your clinicals if they cannot be all completed at your current facility. You have 9 months to complete the clinical requirements.

*The Board strongly encourages NOT to have more than one individual completing clinicals at a time within a smaller facility, as this could cause too much competition in completing examinations in small, low-volume imaging department.

The Conditional BDEO may perform procedures/examinations only while under personal supervision by a ND licensed ARRT Registered Radiographer or a ND licensed currently practicing BDEO with three (3) years of experience.

The Conditional BDEO may ONLY perform Daily QC/scans (femur, lumbar spine, forearm, etc.) independently (not under personal supervision) after successfully completing the required number of scans of that particular scan region.

The Conditional BDEO may obtain their clinical competencies at more than one facility if they choose, simply document each on the form provided.

With nine months to complete all clinical competency requirements, it is encouraged to make arrangements at a larger facility with a higher volume of procedures/examinations if you are employed at a smaller facility with a low volume of procedures/examinations. This is not a requirement from the Board, only encouragement to assist with your success of completion and compliance of the clinical competency requirements. The Board may conduct random audits of the submitted scans and Daily Quality Control logs.

Specific Procedural Requirements

*Mandatory and elective procedures cannot be counted on the same patient on the same day.

Maximum of 10 mandatory and elective procedures may be logged for each day.

A. Mandatory Procedures

1. Daily Quality Control Procedures (20 documented)

Candidates must perform and interpret results of the required daily QC tests on DXA scanning equipment, according to manufacturer guidelines, at least 20 times.

2. Patient Scanning Utilizing Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Equipment

  • Spine (30 scans documented)
  • Femur (30 scans documented)

Candidates must perform 30 scans of both the lumbar spine and femur. If a patient is scanned at two or more anatomical sites, each scan can be counted as a separate occurrence. Dual proximal femur scans are considered one site. However, scanning the same site two or more times on a single patient the same day counts only as one scan. Scans must be performed on humans; scans of phantoms and other types of simulated tissue cannot be counted as scans.

B. Elective Procedures

Candidates must complete at least three of the following activities the number of times specified. Mandatory and elective procedures cannot be counted on the same patient on the same day.

Perform and analyze a DXA scan of the forearm 4 Documented
Perform and analyze scans for in vivo precision study 1 Documented
Perform and analyze a DXA scan on pediatric patients (age 5-19 years) 1 Documented
Perform a FRAX® assessment using an online FRAX® calculation tool 10 Documented
Perform follow-up scan and compare bone density measurements from two occasions (for same patient) to assess changes over time 10 Documented
Answer basic questions from patients or family members about lifestyle choices related to bone health, fall prevention, and drug therapies 10 Documented

Reminders for Clinical Competencies

Clinical competency assessment/evaluation of the Conditional Bone Densitometry Equipment Operator by a ND licensed ARRT Registered Radiographer or a ND licensed currently practicing BDEO with three (3) years of experience should include the following:

  1. Radiation protection
  2. Proper explanation of the procedure
    1. Obtain relevant patient history (including screening for possible pregnancy)
    2. Assurance all artifact-producing objects removed
    3. Verify the patient has not been subjected to procedures or medications that may invalidate the scan results (e.g., received contrast, prosthetic devices)
  3. Proper Acquisition and Analysis
    1. Enter patient data required to utilize reference data & Record unusual positioning details
    2. Select positioning aids and position patient
  4. Evaluation of Results
    1. Verify regions of interest
    2. Evaluate quality of measurements for problems due to artifacts, pathology, etc.
    3. Recommend additional scans as necessary & Archive results
    4. Flag values that require physician's attention (low T-score; unreliable results, etc.)


Bone Densitometry Clinical Competency Information



Resources Updated: 12/17/2024 11:04:44 AM
Page Updated: 12/23/2023 10:56:21 AM