The Board requires that you are CE compliant ONLY in those modalities you are currently practicing. Continuing Education compliance is ND state law and a requirement of renewals. Continuing education is required by ND law effective in 2017.
You must earn 5 CE hours during current Licensure Period (January 1 - December 31) and for each two-year period thereafter. This is in accordance with NDAC 114-02-01-04(2a). All CE must be RCEEM (recognized continuing education evaluation mechanism) eligible and acceptable as registry appropriate contact hours. (If not accepted by your national registry it will not be accepted by the NDMIRTB.) This CE requirement applies to the modalities listed below.
The following modalities will be monitored for CE Compliance ONLY and does not require of an additional certification:
* Cardiac-interventional (CI) * Cardio-vascular Interventional (CV)
* Computed Tomography (CT) * Mammography (M)
* Quality Management (QM) * Vascular-interventional (VI)
* Bone Densitometry (BD) * Breast Sonography ARRT
* Others as approved by the Board
These continuing education hours will be audited only. You will not send in CE documentation unless audited by the Board. You must retain CE information for your own records and in case of an audit. You should retain ALL records for at least three (3) renewal cycles. Three (3) renewal cycles is equal to six (6) years.
You may keep track of your continuing education by adding it to the Board's CE Upload page. To enter CE for more than one modality, you will need to logout and login again. The system does not allow you to enter CEs for more than one modality at a time. You may view and update your current modalities, registry and contact information on the Licensee Dashboard page.