CHRC Updated process:

NDAC 114-03-02-01. Criminal history record checks.

  1. An applicant shall submit a set of fingerprints to the board or its agent for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal history record check in the manner provided by North Dakota Century Code section 12-60-24 and as set forth by the board.
  2. Download and print the required Background Check Instructions and Forms. Payment by check or money order must be payable to ND Attorney General. The amount is listed on the forms. 
  3. Make sure you read all information to avoid delays in your license process.

Note: You must apply for a license first. The completed background check should only be mailed after you have submitted the application for the license. The forms will NOT be sent for processing until we have received your online application!

The license must be issued within 6 months of completing the application and background check. Beyond 6 months, may require you to complete a new application with another fee and/or complete a new background check with another fee. 

NDMIRTB has met with ND BCI to discuss improving the CHRC workflow, as a result NDMIRTB is now able to provide some of the REQUIRED forms on our website (instead of only by mail, USPS). We hope this will improve the process.

Mandatory CHRC forms:

(Must be completed and returned to the Board office - delays in being fingerprinted AND returning the forms will result in delays becoming licensed.)

  1. FBI Fingerprint Card (this is available at the fingerprinting agency OR a law enforcement agency that performs fingerprinting.)
    *The Boad office can also MAIL the cards to you. (ND BCI does not allow emailing of the FBI Fingerprint Card) You should have two cards printed, especially if you have inked fingerprints. Digital fingerprints are best as they are generally accepted by the FBI. However, not all agencies have digital prints. Even if you have digital prints, you must have them printed on a fingerprint card. ND BCI cannot accept fingerprints sent electronically.
  2. NDMIRTB Fingerprint Verification Form (this form is REQUIRED by ND BCI and MUST be completed by the fingerprinting technician.) Available for download Background Check Instructions and Forms.
  3. Criminal History Record Check Request ND BCI - SFN 60688 Form (this form is required and MUST be completed and signed by you, the applicant.) Available for download Background Check Instructions and Forms.
  4. Payment by check or money order must be payable to ND Attorney General. The amount is listed on the forms.

You must mail the completed forms to the Board office address below and also listed on the forms. The forms cannot be emailed or faxed because the FBI requires the original forms.

Please be aware about mailing your background check forms regarding the USPS - The USPS mail system has become quite delayed even for Priority and Express mail. USPS First Class mail can now take up to 5 days, many times even longer.

Please note this may delay receipt of mail to and from the Board office. The Board recommends that applicants send background check forms by a different expedited process such as FedEx or UPS. This is at the applicant's expense. For more information, see USPS.

Please send all completed background check forms and payment to the address below. Do NOT mail anything to ND BCI directly; it will be rejected and returned causing delays in your licensure.

2900 E Broadway Ave Ste 3
Bismarck, ND 58501


Please be sure to include payment for the Fingerprinting Process. The check or money order MUST be payable to North Dakota Attorney General. The correct amount is listed on the forms. 
Please be sure to date, SIGN, and entirely complete your check or money order! It will be returned if NOT signed as the Board Office cannot sign, complete, and/or edit your check or money order. It WILL be returned to you causing a delay in becoming licensed. The background check fees are not refundable.

Once the completed CHRC forms are received, they are sent to the ND Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) for processing. BCI will NOT accept forms from you, only from the Board. Once we get completed forms from you, it takes about 2-3 weeks to get the results back. If your fingerprints are rejected (needing to redone) by the FBI; you will need to be reprinted and the forms will be resent to BCI. It will again take about 2-3 weeks to get the results back. Smudged fingerprints, incomplete forms, incorrect payment, or delays in returning the forms will result in delays in becoming licensed. One common cause of poor fingerprints is dry hands. Make sure to lotion your hands an hour or so before being fingerprinted.

Do NOT send the background check forms/prints and payment to ND BCI directly, they MUST be sent to the Board office for processing. ND BCI will reject all forms/prints and payment if sent directly to them; everything will be returned back to you causing additional delays in the licensure process.

The background checks are done through the FBI. The Board cannot “speed up” the process with ND BCI or FBI. The Board also cannot accept a copy of a previously completed background check from the applicant, employer, or employment agency in lieu of the Board’s own background check. The Board will not issue a license until the results of the Criminal History Record Check results are received.

This process CANNOT be rushed or expedited!
Again, please be honest and self-report convictions, criminal history, alcohol/drug abuse, mental health issues or disciplinary action is not necessarily a disqualification from licensure. Failure to report can cause delays in your license being issued. 

To challenge your record with the FBI, please review their FBI Challenge Brochure for more information. This process should not be used for the Board's background check! 

Resources Updated: 12/17/2024 11:16:28 AM
Page Updated: 12/17/2024 11:26:18 AM