Public FAQs 

What is the purpose of the North Dakota Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board (NDMIRTB)?

The North Dakota Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board is statutorily created and delegated with the authority to regulate the profession of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy in the interest of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public.With necessary oversight by government, the board enforces standards and criteria set forth in statute and adds specificity through the promulgation of regulations.

The effectiveness and efficiencies of the board is enhanced by populating the board with a combination of a consumer member as well as those with the necessary expertise to address the complexities of the profession specific issues.An administrative regulatory system provides consumers with an assurance of the qualifications of licensees and a means of enforcement for the benefit of the public.

When/how was the NDMIRTB created?

The North Dakota Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board (NDMIRTB) is a nine member board appointed by the Governor of North Dakota.  The NDMIRTB was established in 2015 by the ND Legislative Assembly. Five Board members must be licensed in the areas of radiography, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine technology, sonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and medical imaging or radiation therapy education; one member must be a licensed radiologist; one member must be a medical physicist; and one member must be a public member. Each board member serves a term of four years. No member may serve more than two successive terms on the board.

How does the Board have legal authority?

The Board is governed by the Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Section 43-62 of the North Dakota Century Code and Title 114 of the Administrative Rules and Regulations which are published in the North Dakota Administrative Code. The Administrative Rules and enforceable by law under the jurisdiction of sections 43-40-16 and 43-40-18 of the North Dakota Century Code.  The Century Code and Administrative Rules govern the licensure of medical imaging and radiation therapy professional in the State of North Dakota and provide a penalty for noncompliance.

What is the mission of the Board?

The mission of the North Dakota Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board is to license and regulate personnel performing Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy to protect the health and safety of the citizens of North Dakota. This includes the establishment, review, and upholding standards to protect the public and to guide the profession.

What are the Board office hours?

The NDMIRTB office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.  The office is closed for all State holidays.

If you are unable to reach an administrative associate when calling the Board office, please leave a message.  The associates are either away from their desks or helping other callers.  Phone messages are returned daily in the order they are received.  You may also e-mail the NDMIRTB office.

Who are the Board staff?

The administrative staff of the Board is ready to assist you with issues regarding the licensing process, license renewal, license verification, continuing education, the complaint process, and any other questions you may have regarding the practice of medical imaging in North Dakota.  It is important to note that the Board staff along with the Board's legal counsel cannot provide legal advice.  Members of the Board or Board staff may not discuss active complaint investigations.

Board Staff:

Shirley Porter, Executive Director
Jacinda Simmons, Administrative Assistant
Nikki Owings, Administrative Assistant
Allyson Hicks, ND Assistant Attorney General - Legal Counsel

What imaging professionals must have a North Dakota license to practice?

North Dakota Law 43-62 requires licensure and appropriate registry for individuals practicing the following; (if actively practicing more than one modality MUST have current and appropriate registry in each) as a:
Nuclear Medicine Technologist, Radiation Therapist, Radiographer, Radiologist Assistant, Sonographer, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologist, Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS), Registered Cardiac Electrophysiology Specialist (RCES), Limited X-ray Machine Operators and Bone Densitometry Operators. Additional information available on the board’s official website at

Why are some professionals exempt from licensure?

There are exemptions in the law that was passed during the 2015 Legislative Session and changes during the 2017 Legislative session. The Board did not create those exemptions and does not have the authority to change them only the Legislature has that power. You may find more information on exemptions at NDCC 43-62-03.

What is the difference between the North Dakota Society of Radiologic Technologists (NDSRT) and the North Dakota Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board (NDMIRTB)?

The NDSRT is a voluntary membership society for all professionals in Radiologic Sciences. Members of the NDSRT Board are elected by the membership at the Annual Conference.As an affiliate of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT), the NDSRT works with others to be an advocate to promote quality patient care. The NDSRT serves the needs of its members by providing education and a means to network and communicate information between its members.

The NDMIRTB consists of nine members appointed by the Governor of North Dakota.The NDMIRTB is a state board and must operate within the laws of North Dakota and meet all the requirements of a state board as established by the Legislature. It is the responsibility of the NDMIRTB to issue, renew, deny, suspend or revoke licenses and carry out disciplinary actions as authorized by law. The responsibility of the board is to promote, preserve, and protect the health, safety, and welfare of North Dakota citizens having medical imaging studies performed for the purpose of medical diagnosis and therapy.

As an example, driving a car requires a valid driver’s license but doesn’t require membership in North Dakota AAA.Similarly, in order to perform medical imaging or radiation therapy on humans for diagnostic or therapeutic reasons, an individual is mandated to have a valid license issued by the NDMIRTB; however membership in the NDSRT is voluntary.

What is the difference between certification and registration?

Terminology used in establishing the authority of a technologist is often confusing. 
"Certification and registration" by ARRT or another credentialing body indicates that a technologist has met the initial eligibility requirements and maintains their credentials by renewing annually and reporting continuing education credits every two years. A Registered Technologist (R.T.) has satisfied the initial standards and continues to comply with the ARRT Standards of Ethics and Continuing Education Requirements.
"Licensing" is most commonly used in referring to state laws. The state, not ARRT, is the authority that administers the license and grants an individual permission to practice radiologic technology within that state. Application for and renewal of a state license are separate from ARRT and other certifying body processes.

Although the ARRT examination is a voluntary certification and registration exam, many states use the scores in licensing decisions. Approximately two-thirds of the states have licensing laws covering the practice of radiologic technology. You can find more information about them on the ASRT website.

North Dakota and approximately thirty-five other states utilize ARRT-administered exams for state licensing purposes.

We hope you find this information useful. If you have other questions/concerns you are unable to answer with the website, please contact the NDMIRTB office at or 701-425-0861 for assistance.

Page Updated: 8/23/2023 2:53:52 PM